Grupo Universal
Grupo Universal con el fin de maximizar el potencial que tienen los servicios de la nube, la seguridad y personalización de los servicios en premisa, en edición a la alta disponibilidad de los recursos disponible en la nube de Microsoft Azure Site Recovery para la protección de sus recursos críticos como alternativa para garantizar la continuidad de las operaciones y funcionamiento de sus servicios tecnológicos.
Grupo Universal con el fin de maximizar el potencial que tienen los servicios de la nube, la seguridad y personalización de los servicios en premisa, en edición a la alta disponibilidad de los recursos disponible en la nube de Microsoft Azure Site Recovery para la protección de sus recursos críticos como alternativa para garantizar la continuidad de las operaciones y funcionamiento de sus servicios tecnológicos.
República Dominicana
Large (1,000 a 9,999)
Financial services: (Insurance, Investment funds, Trusts, Various services)
The Universal Group is an economic group with more than 55 years of experience in the Dominican market that offers innovative insurance, financial and service solutions. As part of its technological and digital transformation process, and of adequate risk management that allows it to guarantee the continuity of its operations, it adopted a disaster recovery strategy for its information technology resources. In this way, it keeps your data safe, applications and workloads online, in case of planned and unplanned interruptions.
Grupo Universal recognizes the importance of not letting its operations be interrupted due to lack of access to its technology resources and services, which is why it decided to adopt a disaster recovery strategy with the Microsoft Azure cloud and enabling a dedicated line to be able to complete the process smoothly.
Grupo Universal recognizes the importance of not letting its operations be interrupted due to lack of access to its technology resources and services, which is why it decided to adopt a disaster recovery strategy with the Microsoft Azure cloud and enabling a dedicated line to be able to complete the process smoothly.
Partner Solutions
Solvex Dominicana, a Microsoft business partner, supported Grupo Universal in the implementation of Azure Site Recovery as that disaster recovery strategy for the protection of its critical resources and guarantee the continuity of its operation. In addition, a reconfiguration of all the networks used by the App Services was carried out to reestablish the service successfully.
Customer Benefits
Grupo Universal is already prepared to respond to planned and unplanned outages of its technology services, as it can maintain replicated workloads running on physical and virtual machines (VMs) from a primary site to a secondary location by failover. recovery and allowing access to your applications. Likewise, you can execute backup copies of the data to be able to recover them if necessary.
Microsoft Azure Site Recovery has been the deployed strategy and with it, you can manage the replication of virtual machines of different operating systems and virtualization technologies between Azure regions, Azure Stack and physical servers.