In this course you will prepare yourself to perform this role satisfactorily. Within both theoretical and practical content, questions such as the way leadership is defined, the different styles of the figure of the leader and the requirements that a person must present to be a good leader are developed. Leaders are not born, they are made.
In this course you will prepare yourself to perform this role satisfactorily. Within both theoretical and practical content, questions such as the way leadership is defined, the different styles of the figure of the leader and the requirements that a person must present to be a good leader are developed. Leaders are not born, they are made.
In this course on Leadership and teamwork, you will learn what are the main characteristics of a person capable of leading a team.
100% Online, At your own pace, according to your times and schedules.
Prerecorded classes available at any time in self-attended format.
Language: Spanish
Questionnaire - Leadership
Team management
Questionnaire - Team Management
Interpersonal negotiation
Questionnaire - Interpersonal negotiation
Conflict resolution
Questionnaire - Conflict resolution
10 Students
12 Hours